Faith Formation Ministries

Liturgy of the Word With Children
Each Sunday of the year we celebrate, Liturgy of the Word With Children at the 9:30 and 12:30 Masses. Children arrive to church and are seated with their patents until the gathering rite is over. At that time the children are called forward and process out of church to a separate worship space for the Liturgy of the Word.This celebration is an extension of the main assembly’s celebration. The children will return to church after the Prayer of the Faithful.

Our Parish School
Saint Angela Merici Parish School is a Catholic faith community that creates a Christ-centered environment. Religion is integrated with all aspects of living and learning. This atmosphere fosters the development of a personal relationship with God.
Students grow in the realization that faith is a way of life which should permeate all their actions and decisions. Our goal is to impart a deep conviction...

Children’s Faith Formation
This ministry serves baptized children from first to sixth grades. Catechists (teacher volunteers) incorporate in their lessons: personal faith experiences, events of the Liturgical Year, important people of faith, prayer, and church doctrine. They use resources and do group dynamics to make it a fun and enriching environment. The mission of the program is to strengthen the relationship between students, Jesus, and the community. Classes...

Formación de la Fe para Niños
El propósito del programa de formación de Fe es el de servir a las familias de la comunidad hispana mediante las clases de catecismo; para niños de edades desde Kínder hasta octavo grado, incluyendo la preparación para recibir el sacramento de la Primera Eucaristía. Las clases son los días jueves y viernes de 5:45-7:15 p.m.
El programa, también ofrece preparación del Bautismo para niños (de 7 años en...