Bread of Angels

A hot meal shall be prepared and served every Saturday to those who are homeless or are in need.  Every guest shall be treated with Dignity, Respect, and compassion.

We are a volunteer ministry, shopping, preparing, cooking, serving, and cleaning.  We feed the body, with a small continental breakfast and a hearty Hot meal, nourishes the mind with spiritual growth, and fill the soul with caring, kindness, and warmth.

Our goal is to help out those in need of temporary assistance.  Our guests are invited in at 8:30 a.m. to a small breakfast consisting of coffee and juice, cereal and oatmeal, toast and danish.  At 10:30 a.m., we provide a hot meal, consisting of anything from, meatloaf, chicken, pork chops, roast beef, and including potatoes, vegetables, salad, fruit, bread, and dessert.

All those in need of a good hot meal for the Body, a bit of nourishment for the Mind, and some down to earth friendly care, for the Soul are welcome to come and enjoy the morning with us.

For more information please contact

Meeting Schedule :
Every Saturday 7:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Are you interested in volunteering with the Bread of Angels? Please click the flyer below for more information.

thumbnail of volunteeringBoA