Liturgy of the Word With Children
Children’s Liturgy is offered each Sunday at the 9:30 Mass in the Sarah Room in the Church Hall. Children arrive to church and are seated with their patents. Before the liturgy of the Word, children are called forward and process out of church to a separate worship space for the Liturgy of the Word. This celebration is an extension of the main assembly’s celebration. The children will return to church after the Prayer of the Faithful. All children Kindergarten through 5th grade are welcome to join the liturgy, no registration is needed.
Leaders share the Sunday readings with the students, and reflect on the Word, the children are asked to participate by sharing their own ideas about Jesus’ message. Parents are welcome to accompany their children, especially when they attend for the first time.
We are always looking for volunteers interested in serving in this ministry. Join us for Children’s Liturgy any Sunday to see the various volunteer positions that are available. Training is available. See you on Sunday!
For more information, please contact Debbie Kistler at (714) 743-2978.