Marriage Encounter
Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) offers a weekend experience for married couples to learn the keys to loving communications that they can use for the rest o their lives. The weekend is a positive, simple, common sense experience between husband and wife, which revitalizes marriage by helping a couple start with the love they have for each other and to build and deepen the relationship. Marriage Encounter is open to all couples with good marriages regardless of faith or financial status.
On a weekend, a series of presentations are given to the group as a whole. After each presentation the husband and wife have private time to share on what was presented. There is no group sharing; this is a time for you and your spouse to be alone together, to rediscover each other, and to focus on your relationship for an entire weekend. Every marriage deserves that kind of attention.
For more information regarding Marriage Encounter, please contact:
John & Maggie Lee
voice/text – 714.873.5136