Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Those extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist who have chosen to answer the call to take Communion to our brothers and sisters who are unable to come to Mass are literally Church to those at home or in hospital.
The Facilities we visit currently are: The Pavilion at Sunny Hills (Used to be called Evergreen), St Elizabeth health care, Terrace View Health care, in Fullerton. Also Brookdale Senior living, Silverado Memory Care, Brea Woods, and Kindred Hospital in Brea We also serve may individuals in their private homes. In all, we visit and bring Jesus’s presence in Communion and in ourselves to nearly 100 people each week.
I am always touch by the dedication and love that our Ministers have for the indiviuals that they visit. As Catholics, we see Jesus in the Eucharist as central to our understing of what Church is and what it means. We are truly an extension of the Mass at home or in hospital.
Training for this ministry occurs in the fall and in the spring, for those who are interested in serving either as pastoral ministers to the hospital/homebound or as liturgical ministers for weekend and or daily Mass.
For those who do not feel they are worthy, remember, it is the Lord Jesus who calls, enables and desires that His people engage themselves in this wonderful work of taking Him to others. We are the Mystical Body of Christ to share Him and ourselves with our brothers and sisters. Jesus is always with us, telling us, “Do not be afraid”.
For more information regarding ministry to the sick, elderly, and homebound in skilled nursing and assisted living facilities please contact Francis Waclawik at (714) 529-1821
For more information regarding ministry to the sick, elderly, and homebound in home and residential care homes please contact Dinora Cardenas at (714) 529-1821
El ministerio especial para los enfermos es enviado por la comunidad parroquial cada domingo y llevan la Eucaristía a los que están impedidos de estar presentes en la Misa, ya sea por su edad o enfermedad. Si tiene a un enfermo que desea recibir la Sagrada Eucaristía.
Comuníquese con Lorena Hernández a (714) 519-1688