Ministry Staff






Active Christians Today (A.C.T.) (Food, Clothing Needs)

Yarminz Garcia

(714) 529-1821 x 144

Adoration Ministry

Bob Goossens

Adult Faith Formation/RCIA

Andrea Draper

(714) 529-1821 x 136

Altar Care Society

Gloria Pena

(714) 879-0639

Altar Serving - English

Debbie Kistler

(714) 743-2978

Altar Serving - Spanish (Monaguillos)

Jose and Teresita Macias

(714) 255-0928

America Needs Fatima

Rebeca Rodriguez

(714) 256-0638

Audio / Visual Ministry

Matthew Remley

(714) 356-9890

Baptism (English)

Andrea Draper

(714) 529-1821 x 136

Baptism (Spanish)

Susie Beas

(714) 356-5004


Parish Office

(714) 529-1821

Bible Study

Nick Rawe

(213) 703-5220

Bread of Angels Ministry (Saturday AM-Feed the Hungry)

Bob Duffy

(714) 871-0218

Centering Prayer

Mary Forsuelo

(714) 325-4145

Children’s Faith Formation/ High School RCIA

Leticia Garcia

(714) 529-1821 x134

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Sunday 9:30 Mass) English

Debbie Kistler

(714) 743-2978

Children's Liturgy of the Word (Sunday 12:45 pm) Spanish

Susie Beas

(714) 356-5004

Church Sacristan Ministry

Denise Bittel

(714) 269-3362

Communications Team

Bill McMillan

(714) 926-2844

Confirmation Faith Formation

Cynthia Vargas

(562) 217-0496

CFC Family Ministry

John and Felicia Siazon

(714) 397-2275


Carlos Hernandez

(714) 936-3216


Nashyeli Hernandez

(714) 904-0802

Ejercito Azul (Spanish Rosary)

Lola Flores

(562) 694-5878

Encuentro Matrimonial

Patty & Juan Manuel Ferreira

(562) 690-5795

Environment - Church Decor

Irma Gonzales

(714) 612-2853

Facilities - Master Calendar

Gina Mock

(714) 529-1821 x 113

Finance Council

Bob Duffy

(714) 871-0218

First Eucharist

Leticia Garcia

(714) 529-1821 x 134

Formación de Fe para Niños

Leticia Garcia

(714) 529-1821 x 134


Ellie Page

(714) 328-3068

Guerreros de Yahve

Eloy Cabrera

(562) 340-3599

Jr. High Ministry

Cynthia Vargas

(562) 217-0496

Knights of Columbus

Brad Halderman

(714) 878-5356


Jose Lopez

(562) 640-7194

Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers

Colleen Faley

(714) 482-3416

Marriage Encounter

John & Maggie Lee

(714) 873-5136

Men's Fellowship

John Cushing

(714) 213-1953

Ministeros de Eucaristia

Maria Figueroa

(714) 255-8365

Ministerio de Hospitalidad

Tano Gonzales

(714) 737-5653

Ministry to the Sick, Elderly, & Homebound - Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living Facilities

Frank Waclawik

(714) 529-1821

Ministry to the Sick, Elderly, & Homebound - Home and Residential Care Homes

Dinora Cardenas

(714) 529-1821

Ministry to the Sick, Elderly, & Homebound - Spanish

Lorena Hernandez

(714) 529-1821

Music Ministry

Anthony Mendoza

(714) 529-1821 x 117

Parish Bulletin

Gina Mock

(714) 529-1821 x 113


Leticia Garcia

(714) 529-1821 x 134

SAMS Coffee Bar

Ray Schumaker

(714) 264-2021

Scouting for Boys - Ages 11-17

Jim Remley

(714) 348-3711

Scouting for Boys - Ages 5-11

Brett Murdock

(714) 504-1581

Scouting for Girls

Kendyl King

(714) 869-8594

Social/Support & Single After 50

Ray Schumaker

(714) 264-2021

St. Angela Merici School

Mrs. JoAnn Telles

(714) 529-6372

Talleres de Oracion Y Vida

Maria G. Castillo

(714) 875-4590


Tony Samaniego

(562) 706-2586

Virgen Peregrina / OLG Novena

Rebeca Rodriguez

(714) 256-0638

Website / Parish App

Matthew Remley

Weddings (English and Spanish)

Church Office

(714) 529-1821

Women’s Group P.A.L.S. Morning

Darlene Chavira

(714) 928-0421

Women’s Group P.A.L.S. Afternoon

Susan Flores-Dow

(714) 350-3910

Young Adult Ministry

Julianne Rosas

(562) 713-4878

Youth Ministry

Cynthia Vargas

(562) 217-0496