Liturgical Ministries

Misión: Permitirle a Dios utilizar nuestra voz para proclamar su palabra de vida con convicción y audacia para que lo que se proclama pueda afectar la vida y el corazon de quien lo escucha.
Para mas informacion contacte Jose Lopez (562) 640-7194
Altar Care Society
Altar Care Society is a volunteer lay organization of men and women, charged with the dusting of the furnishings in the church.
No heavy vacuuming, no ladder climbing, just chasing spiders out of windowsills and out of every nook, crevice and statue.
We meet one hour a month on the first Friday of each month.
No prior experience is needed, and training is available if wanted.
Carolyn Lamka
Gloria Pena

Audio and Visual Ministry
The AV ministry is a group of dedicated technicians who are present at Sunday masses and other liturgical gatherings to operate our sound and video systems. The audio and video provided greatly enhances the experience for all, but especially for those with limited hearing or vision. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Jim at No experience is needed other than a general comfort with technology. Training will be provided.


Altar Servers
The youth of St. Angela Merici Parish can make a difference by becoming part of the Altar Server Ministry. As part of this ministry, youth have the opportunity to serve at the Lord’s Table with the priests and deacons of our parish. Service at the Lord’s Table is a responsibility and a commitment that is taken seriously by the children and their families.

“Dejen que los niños se acerquen a mi”
Son las palabras que el propio Jesús pronuncio de sus santos labios, y el día de hoy, con mucho cariño y gusto en Santa Ángela Merici nos aseguramos como iglesia que esas palabras se lleven a cabo.
El ministerio “Monaguillos” está formado por alrededor de 30 niños y jovencitos que tienen el privilegio de servir en la santa misa.
Los monaguillos aprenderán a...