Adoration Chapel Protocols
1. Make acquaintance with other adorers during or around your appointment time. Obtain their contact information from the sign in sheet or directly from them. When you are unable to make it to your appointment with Jesus, please call them first to swap appointment with you.
2. When your fellow adorer(s) are unable to swap appointment with you, please email/call/text us at (657)210-1261 / in advance. We have team members who are dedicating service time for JESUS to be on call 24/7.
a. 1 day or more advance notice (this is wonderful!)
b. 8 hours advance notice (we are truly appreciative!)
c. Emergency without advance notice (We understand — it’s an emergency.)
3. If you need to leave and the next adorer has not arrived, please CALL the next adorer first. When no one responds, please CALL us at 657-210-1265 or send a text to the number. We have 24/7 attendant. If you DO NOT get a call back, please refer to the
instructions in the Chapel on “How to Repose” the Blessed Sacrament.
4. Be respectful of your fellow adorer(s) during the time that you are there. Keep the
noise to a minimum. Turn your cell phone on to vibrate mode.
5. Initial or place a check next to your name when you arrive.
6. If you change your phone number(s) or email, please let us know.
7. Lastly, if you observed any circumstance that is unfavorable to the adoration atmosphere, please let us know so we can advise fellow adorers.