Altar Servers

The youth of St. Angela Merici Parish can make a difference by becoming part of the Altar Server Ministry. Service at the Lord’s Table is a responsibility and a commitment for the students and their families. Students can begin serving once they are in 5th grade and have successfully completed the Altar Server training program. Many continue to serve until high school graduation. Watch for information about training in the bulletin, classes are offered in the Fall and as needed. Once training is completed, altar servers are scheduled to serve at the weekend Masses, that work for their schedule.  St. Angela Merici School students are also scheduled to serve the 8:00 am weekday Eucharists (on the days that classes are in session).

By serving at the Lord’s Table, youth develop closer bonds with their faith and parish

For questions, please contact Debbie Kistler at (714) 743-2978 or