Be The Light Welcome DONATE 24 HOUR PERPETUAL ADORATION FLOCKNOTE BULLETINS LATEST NEWS MASS TIMES MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 AM, 6:00 PM SATURDAY 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM Vigil SUNDAY 7:45 AM (live-streamed), 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM, 12:45 PM (Spanish), 5:00 PM 10:30am Drive-up Communion DONATE LATEST NEWS BULLETINS MASS ON-LINE MASS TIMES MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 AM, 6:00 PM SATURDAY 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM Vigil SUNDAY 7:45 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM, 12:45 PM (Spanish), 5:00 PM What's Happening Now News and Updates See our faith in action through our many ministries Our Ministries Sacristans Lectores Misión: Permitirle a Dios utilizar nuestra voz para proclamar su palabra de vida con convicción y audacia para que lo que se proclama pueda afectar la vida y el corazon de quien lo escucha. Para mas informacion contacte Jose Lopez (562) 640-7194 Guerreros de Yahve Nos reunimos todos los jueves de 7-9pm en el salon parroquial. Somos un grupo de oracion donde alabamos al senor y escuchamos su palabra otra vez de predicaciones y oraciones. Para mas informacion contacte Eloy Cabrera (562) 340-3599 Environment America needs Fatima We Pray the Rosary monthly. For more information contact Rebeca Rodriguez (714) 610-0260 Altar Care Society Altar Care Society is a volunteer lay organization of men and women, charged with the dusting of the furnishings in the church. No heavy vacuuming, no ladder climbing, just chasing spiders out of windowsills and out of every nook, crevice and statue. We meet one hour a month on the first Friday of each month. [...] Bread of Angels A hot meal shall be prepared and served every Saturday to those who are homeless or are in need. Every guest shall be treated with Dignity, Respect, and compassion. We are a volunteer ministry, shopping, preparing, cooking, serving, and cleaning. We feed the body, with a small continental breakfast and a hearty Hot meal, nourishes [...] Active Christians Today (A.C.T. Office) The A.C.T. Office at St.Angela Church was established in 1972 to help those in need. We are a food pantry, and can some times help with utility bill.W e are open M.,W., and F. from 9:00 to 1:00. We provide bread, bakery and grocery items as well as government commodities to needy families, and the homeless and hungry. We also give clothing, shoes, furniture and household items, which are generally donated... Knights of Columbus Liturgy of the Word With Children Each Sunday of the year we celebrate, Liturgy of the Word With Children at the 9:30 and 12:30 Masses. Children arrive to church and are seated with their patents until the gathering rite is over. At that time the children are called forward and process out of church to a separate worship space for the Liturgy of the Word.This celebration is an extension of the main assembly’s celebration. The children will return to church after the Prayer of the Faithful. Load More
Lectores Misión: Permitirle a Dios utilizar nuestra voz para proclamar su palabra de vida con convicción y audacia para que lo que se proclama pueda afectar la vida y el corazon de quien lo escucha. Para mas informacion contacte Jose Lopez (562) 640-7194
Guerreros de Yahve Nos reunimos todos los jueves de 7-9pm en el salon parroquial. Somos un grupo de oracion donde alabamos al senor y escuchamos su palabra otra vez de predicaciones y oraciones. Para mas informacion contacte Eloy Cabrera (562) 340-3599
America needs Fatima We Pray the Rosary monthly. For more information contact Rebeca Rodriguez (714) 610-0260
Altar Care Society Altar Care Society is a volunteer lay organization of men and women, charged with the dusting of the furnishings in the church. No heavy vacuuming, no ladder climbing, just chasing spiders out of windowsills and out of every nook, crevice and statue. We meet one hour a month on the first Friday of each month. [...]
Bread of Angels A hot meal shall be prepared and served every Saturday to those who are homeless or are in need. Every guest shall be treated with Dignity, Respect, and compassion. We are a volunteer ministry, shopping, preparing, cooking, serving, and cleaning. We feed the body, with a small continental breakfast and a hearty Hot meal, nourishes [...]
Active Christians Today (A.C.T. Office) The A.C.T. Office at St.Angela Church was established in 1972 to help those in need. We are a food pantry, and can some times help with utility bill.W e are open M.,W., and F. from 9:00 to 1:00. We provide bread, bakery and grocery items as well as government commodities to needy families, and the homeless and hungry. We also give clothing, shoes, furniture and household items, which are generally donated...
Liturgy of the Word With Children Each Sunday of the year we celebrate, Liturgy of the Word With Children at the 9:30 and 12:30 Masses. Children arrive to church and are seated with their patents until the gathering rite is over. At that time the children are called forward and process out of church to a separate worship space for the Liturgy of the Word.This celebration is an extension of the main assembly’s celebration. The children will return to church after the Prayer of the Faithful.